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Celebrating Easter while Studying Abroad 在 捷克共和国

by 劳伦索伯恩
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If you’re planning on 宝博体育捷克共和国 for your Spring semester, then you’re in for a treat. Easter is a huge holiday 在 捷克共和国, and 布拉格 really knows how to celebrate the holiday. 几乎整个4月和5月都是春天的到来, 在布拉格度过寒冷的2月和3月之后, I understand why the Czech people love their spring traditions! 

The History of Easter 在 捷克共和国 

在布拉格和捷克共和国享受复活节庆祝活动的最佳方式是了解其背后的历史. When Czechoslovakia was under the communist regime, the religious connotations of Easter were suppressed. During that time period, 复活节(在捷克语中也被称为Velikonoce)的意义是欢迎春天. 现在, Easter still represents the coming of spring; however, 捷克人理解复活节强烈的基督教背景. 

The Unique Easter Traditions of the 捷克共和国

捷克共和国的复活节充满了这个国家独有的有趣传统. One of the main events is called Masopust. It's basically Mardi Gras, but Czech-style! Carnival celebrations are found all over the world, 所以能够在不同的国家体验它的一个版本是一种享受. 捷克共和国的Masopust在圣灰星期三的前几天举行. People wear costumes and masks, 布拉格乃至整个国家都会举行各种游行和庆祝活动. 面具从人形到动物以及介于两者之间的一切都有. 这是一个大型的庆祝活动,通常包括很多肉食盛宴,因为这个活动发生在四旬斋之前. 游行通常在某种酒吧结束,在那里所有的吃吃喝喝一直持续到日出. 这个节日的另一个重要方面是各种各样的噪音制造者. 最常见的是木制的棘轮,在布拉格老城区所有的复活节旅游市场都能买到.  

A group of people in a city


另一个传统的捷克复活节特色是复活节彩蛋,在复活节前后的几周内随处可见. The eggs are sometimes real eggs or wooden ones. 几乎所有的鸡蛋都是手绘的,或者用美丽的图案装饰. The girls are the ones who are supposed to decorate the eggs, and they’ll give them to the boys on Easter Monday. 这些蛋象征着春天和新生命的开始. 显然, 在布拉格和其他捷克城市也会举行全国性的复活节彩蛋比赛, although I didn't see this myself. 

A group of people standing around a large statue of a rabbit


另一个最著名的捷克传统是猫柳节. What it is are braided whips made from pussywillow twigs. 这个想法是,男孩们应该制作这些鞭子,并在复活节的星期一随身携带, whipping the girls on the legs. 它在今天仍然很常见,据说它能给任何被鞭打的人带来健康和青春. When I visited Cesky Krumlov, a small Czech town 在 south of the country, 我的女导游告诉我,每个复活节的星期一,她的丈夫和儿子都会鞭打她. 


在布拉格,很容易就能认出复活节庆祝活动何时开始,因为树上开始用彩色的丝带和彩蛋装饰. 复活节集市开始在城市的每个广场上爆发.  

A group of people in a city

布拉格众多的复活节市场之一,位于布拉格城堡的圣. 维达斯大教堂.

The biggest Easter Market is 在 Old Town Square. Here, they also have a few performances. 一天,当我在老城闲逛时,一个儿童唱诗班开始唱歌. 虽然歌曲都是用捷克语唱的,我一个字也听不懂, it was a beautiful moment that I will remember forever. 

At the Easter markets, there are many different stalls. Chimney cakes, known as Trdelník, can be bought everywhere.

A person cooking food outside of a store


这里还有咖啡、各种肉类,当然还有啤酒. It’s not a real Czech celebration without the presence of beer. 你会在复活节市场找到其他东西,包括五颜六色的复活节彩蛋, Pussywillow鞭子, and a lot of handmade jewelry.  

Other Czech Traditions and Holidays to Enjoy 

春季学期是捷克共和国的好时光,因为除了复活节之外,还有一些其他的传统和节日值得庆祝. 我到达布拉格两天后,是2月2日的赫罗姆尼斯假日. For anyone familiar with Groundhog Day 在 U.S.赫罗姆尼斯也有类似的想法,它代表捷克共和国的隆冬. 

One of my favorite holidays has been May 1st. 在捷克共和国,这一天被称为“爱的日子”. It’s also supposed to be officially the first day of spring, and it didn't disappoint– the sun was shining all day! 我听说这一天的一个传统是,情侣们应该在春天开始开花的樱花树下亲吻对方.

A building with towers and trees 在 background

The spring cherry blossoms blooming in front of the St. 维达斯大教堂 at 布拉格 Castle.

我读到的另一个传统是情侣们会去看卡雷尔·海内克的雕像Mácha, who was a famous Czech poet known as the “poet of love.” While at this statue, which is located in Petřín Park, the couples lay down flowers and just spend time together. 

劳伦索伯恩 is the Content Creator - 博客ger.
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